Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Yesterday was parent teacher interviews

and it went very well.... Kyle is doing really well in everything but maths (he understands it but is just not fast enough) and the teacher had done a reading test on him and it showed he was reading at the top range for a 11/12 yr old... not bad for a 9yr old. Though hubby and I were the same at that age so we aren't that surprised, and of course if you ever saw our house you would see nothing but books....i mean lots of books stacked two deep on some shelves. lol. The teacher was quite happy with his behaviour and that he was becoming more independent with fine motor tasks such as Art and simple things like gluing work sheets into his books.

Molly's is always the same..the teachers love having her in the class as she is just so friendly, eager to be there and will always try to answer questions even if she doesn't know the answer. That the class has benefited by having her in the class, as the all look out for her and one girl whom she had problems with last year is this year very good at helping molly......especially when molly may not understand the task in front of her, seemingly molly will often ask her to check her work to make sure she has done everything she needed to do. Only thing for this poor girl is that she is often on the end of molly's venting when she becomes frustrated about something....but seemingly these days the wee girl barely bats her eyelids when molly gets like this anymore...think I might have to give her a little pressie at then end of the year to say thank you!

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